d2 Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle SeriesThis story is dedicated to all who dare to walk on holy ground by touching another human soul with love.
(A thought suggested by Stephen Covey)

Why did I write it? It took over 12 years to complete the 16 books. I wrote it because I think it gives some perspective on the meaning of life. I have come to believe that God, at the creation, as a test of integrity, gave us a spirit with free will. A test of our integrity observed by God. I believe it is not so much what we accomplish, but how we get there. For that reason, I want to tell you this story of my remarkable friend Janet and those who were with her during her lifetime.

Janet is responsible for preserving so much: the town of Berkinsville, the families, the intangible things you can only know by knowing her story. We lived our lives in a remarkable little town with exceptional people. Some of what you learn may be hard to believe, however people like this do exist. This is Janet’s love story and a little of my own. I hope you observe and consider more than that. There was, and is, a spirituality that sustains it all.

I have only one fear in telling you this story, that someone might take examples from our lives and try to apply them to solve their own problems. An old television saying comes to mind: DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! These were remarkable people in very special circumstances. By reading our story you will come to understand the very essence of their thoughts and feelings far beyond my living it with them. Molly, Janet’s mother, was a remarkable person who provided the means to my understanding so much.

This is a long detailed story covering 4 years of our lives. Have you ever read a good book and found it ended too soon, leaving you with the feeling it was just getting to the good part? I promise you the whole love story. You will know it all. The attributes of these people may strain credibility. These attributes do exist, but they are rare. That these people all ended up in the same place and time is remarkable. My modeling work has taken me to many parts of the world. My life has been filled with rich blessings from God and that only helped me to realize there is no place as wonderful as my own hometown of Berkinsville. No one could ever have more loyal and wonderful friends. I think you will enjoy getting to know them as I tell you their story.

First, Janet Berkins, my high school friend like a sister. She is extremely bright and educated far beyond all reason by her uncle, Ward Handleman. As our story begins she is marking time in her parents’ business office, wanting to win her father’s respect. The office is the mill office of Berkins Enterprises, Inc. Her father, George Berkins, is the CEO, her mother, Molly, is the Financial Officer. Together they are the majority stockholders of the family-owned corporation. George Berkins is a great-grandson in a long line of Berkins’ who established the town of Berkinsville. Together the threesome, George, Molly, and Janet operate the mill office of the complex business. Oh, yes, I should mention Janet is an unassuming beauty, with almost blond hair usually worn in a ponytail. Drove me crazy that she could eat anything and never gain weight! She loves hiking in the extensive leased forest lands of the corporation. Next, Steve Doyle: Janet’s high school sweetheart, shy, athletic, and, as our story begins, serving out his military obligation in the Army. His romance with Janet has cooled into a wonderful friendship with occasional letters.

Second, John Richards: We begin as he is first arriving in town and catching Janet’s interest. (It wasn’t long until he caught my interest, too!) John had completed his military obligation and had good experience as a heavy equipment operator. A rugged farm-raised man with his father’s love of the English language, he stood a little over six feet, several inches taller than Janet. She liked his slightly triangular shape, broad in the shoulders and narrow at the hips, like in the song. He always walks a little slower than you would expect.

Third, there are the Privateers, so named for their mischievous nature in high school where we had all attended classes together. As our story begins they all room together at the university in nearby Paramount City. Even though they are roommates, Janet informally dates all three!

1. Ronald Webb, son of the owner of the county’s principal law firm. Ron describes himself as a born lawyer. He is the one person Janet’s age who matches her intellectual ability. Tall, handsome, and well funded, he is to Janet a special most trusted friend.

2. Donald Vald, son of the owner of the county’s major car dealership. He is his father’s presumed successor. An artistic person pressured into business school, he finds Janet a special understanding friend. After learning to dance together in high school, they have a close older sister/younger brother relationship.

3. Tom Hankins, son of the owner of the Berkinsville Bank. Tom arrogantly lives in a world of his own imagining, believing Janet will marry him when he graduates. He survives his other bad ideas only with unwanted guidance from Ronald, Donald, and Janet.

You will meet others. I’ll give you a guide at the beginning of the first books. But more important to the story back then is the nature of our little town, Berkinsville. It is small with high-quality essentials. Everything relates to the mill, its support, and the high integrity of the people who work there. They provide support for the town in many ways. It’s an old town, generations old, with two main one-way business streets, North Main and South Main. It is located on a logging river in a mountainous area of the western United States. Berkinsville is an old town that glows proudly with proper upkeep and practical solutions to changing times. As our story begins, logs travel on diesel trucks rather than float down the river. It’s a friendly town where people look out for each other. It’s a Christian town with its principal church led by Pastor Hodge. It’s a fun town most lively around its library and adjoining Berkinsville Café, fondly known as The Gossip. A library that values citizens so much it is even open on Sundays when the employed are most free to visit.

And then there is me, Diane. My father is the area’s principal insurance broker who helped his daughter become a successful model. I think it best you learn about me as the story develops.

This story is presented as fiction. I am told by those who should know that each of these books stands on its own. Though it is best to start here in Book One. Read to the end of the last book and you will understand why it had to be told as fiction. Even so, rest assured, everyone in this story is just as real as I am.

signature-1 Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series


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dd5d3f277bcf573b1cba8ffb3cd77978?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

I love the concept of these books that have a spiritual message to inspire us all, thank you Diane!

d8f52953b9a072bce1241ea7ecf6f5f2?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

I l just love this introduction. Even though I have a little insight to the story I am ready to dig in right now. Thank you Diane

67390a38a935c6c019880e1f36c64055?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

I’m so happy you finished it I know how hard an long you have worked on it, and from what I have read it’s great. Best of luck my beautiful friend.. 🤞🙏🙏. Al

Last edited 1 year ago by Chuck Shumate
ccf98ecad3a4882a1eec1b1fc3eab07f?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

Find your most comfortable chair, fix your favorite snack, bring a large box of tissues and prepare for the ride of your life. You are going to Berkinsville.

Many months ago I was granted the good fortune to become one of a group of volunteer “proof readers of continuity” for Diane’s manuscripts. We were to check them over for any errors or unclear passages. I eagerly awaited the first one.

Book One arrived within the week, a manilla folder with a thick pile of neatly typed papers. After finishing my daily chores I settled in expecting a pleasant read. After the first few pages I found that couldn’t put them down. Each one led to another, then another, and then “just one more.” Hubby came to check on me and was soon reading them himself. We were not prepared for how Diane’s story would grip us.

And so, we slowly worked our way through all sixteen books. Dishes piled up, dust bunnies drifted across the floor, the lawn grew. Chores were completed when our eyes gave out or something absolutely had to be done. We caught things up between books and eagerly awaited the next one.

We laughed, cried, and a couple of times I raged. You’ll understand why when you read it. It all turned out well, but I didn’t know that then. Diane has a unique way of writing that pulls you in as you read each part of the story. You will get to know Ronald, Donald, Tom, John, Ward and many others. Janet will amaze you. Berkinsville and the people living there is a town that I would have liked to have grown up in.

Men, you’ll want to read this one, too. There’s something in there for everyone. You will travel, ride in boats and planes and learn many things.

Diane has had a full and fascinating life. It’s a story that should be told and nothing is held back. Buckle up! — GR

59bd8dc9185824a33d8036eb938e543d?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

Wow Diane! I am so enjoying your books I can’t wait to get through it so I can start the next one.
You make the reader feel like they were right there in Berkinsville! Thank you for writing your story!

59bd8dc9185824a33d8036eb938e543d?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

I have just finished book 12 in your Berkinsville series. In this book, I loved the way that Janet was released from all of her complications to pursue her love life. Diane, I am so happy you found someone that you could look into his eyes and not walk away. Now on to read about your love story.

59bd8dc9185824a33d8036eb938e543d?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

I have just completed all 16 volumes of Berkinsville. The story line has kept me engaged and wanting to know more of the life of “friends like a sister”. Diane, I hope you will continue your writing. You are so talented to make the characters alive in Berkinsville.

affae376b985770a968cd39bc6ed7474?s=64&d=mm&r=g Berkinsville-Diane Williams Doyle Series

WOW! I have loved reading this Series and would highly recommend them to everyone! They have stretched my curiosity and understanding of so many things. So I also found myself reading every book with the anticipation of the next one, that is until the 15th……. then I didn’t want to leave Berkinsville!! And I still don’t!! Wish there were more! Thank you, my friend!!

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I love the concept of these books that have a spiritual message to inspire us all, thank you Diane!


I l just love this introduction. Even though I have a little insight to the story I am ready to dig in right now. Thank you Diane

Alan Ferris

I’m so happy you finished it I know how hard an long you have worked on it, and from what I have read it’s great. Best of luck my beautiful friend.. 🤞🙏🙏. Al

Last edited 1 year ago by Chuck Shumate

Find your most comfortable chair, fix your favorite snack, bring a large box of tissues and prepare for the ride of your life. You are going to Berkinsville.

Many months ago I was granted the good fortune to become one of a group of volunteer “proof readers of continuity” for Diane’s manuscripts. We were to check them over for any errors or unclear passages. I eagerly awaited the first one.

Book One arrived within the week, a manilla folder with a thick pile of neatly typed papers. After finishing my daily chores I settled in expecting a pleasant read. After the first few pages I found that couldn’t put them down. Each one led to another, then another, and then “just one more.” Hubby came to check on me and was soon reading them himself. We were not prepared for how Diane’s story would grip us.

And so, we slowly worked our way through all sixteen books. Dishes piled up, dust bunnies drifted across the floor, the lawn grew. Chores were completed when our eyes gave out or something absolutely had to be done. We caught things up between books and eagerly awaited the next one.

We laughed, cried, and a couple of times I raged. You’ll understand why when you read it. It all turned out well, but I didn’t know that then. Diane has a unique way of writing that pulls you in as you read each part of the story. You will get to know Ronald, Donald, Tom, John, Ward and many others. Janet will amaze you. Berkinsville and the people living there is a town that I would have liked to have grown up in.

Men, you’ll want to read this one, too. There’s something in there for everyone. You will travel, ride in boats and planes and learn many things.

Diane has had a full and fascinating life. It’s a story that should be told and nothing is held back. Buckle up! — GR


Wow Diane! I am so enjoying your books I can’t wait to get through it so I can start the next one.
You make the reader feel like they were right there in Berkinsville! Thank you for writing your story!


I have just finished book 12 in your Berkinsville series. In this book, I loved the way that Janet was released from all of her complications to pursue her love life. Diane, I am so happy you found someone that you could look into his eyes and not walk away. Now on to read about your love story.


I have just completed all 16 volumes of Berkinsville. The story line has kept me engaged and wanting to know more of the life of “friends like a sister”. Diane, I hope you will continue your writing. You are so talented to make the characters alive in Berkinsville.


WOW! I have loved reading this Series and would highly recommend them to everyone! They have stretched my curiosity and understanding of so many things. So I also found myself reading every book with the anticipation of the next one, that is until the 15th……. then I didn’t want to leave Berkinsville!! And I still don’t!! Wish there were more! Thank you, my friend!!

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